Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Door organizer

Home work shop. DIY door organizer.

Just my few tips how to keep stuff organized;-)

Since I've started making DIY projects for fun, I've learned few funny rules.
 - If you don't see thing, you don't use it.
 - If you don't use thing, you forget that you have it.
 - If you think that you don't have it you buy it, just in case.
 - One day you find old thing;-(
With some variation cycle may repeat...

In my opinion, good solution to avoid this problem is to keep track of tools and parts and have all stuff easy accessible.
That means simple and effective storage system should be developed.
As a part of this system and in attempt of reusing vertical empty areas in my room I've built improvised door organizer using casual things:

- 2' x 4' standard perfboard;
- couple 1" L-brackets;
- 1" wooden screws;
- box of paper clips;
- carton and plastic food packaging.   

DIY door organizer. Easy to find stuff when you need it.

As a base carrier I used standard 2' x 4' perfboard from Home depot.
It's a cheap, eco-friendly material and it already has nice pattern of predrilled holes.
Perfboard is hanged on a door by means of two 1" L-brackets with attached machine screws.
L-bracket is mounted on a top surface of door with 1" wooden screw and it will not affect exterior look in case it has to be removed.

DIY door organizer. Mounting L-bracket.  
Mounted brackets perfectly fit into overhead door frame gap and don't obstruct door movement.
Perfboard is hanged onto screws and fastened with nuts.
To eliminate any noise effects  while opening and closing door I attached few soft rubber bumps to back side of perfboard.
DIY door organizer. Bracket doesn't affect door movement.  
There are many types of hooks that are designed to be used with perfboard but many other things can be used in a similar way. In my case I used regular paper clips. After few trials I've developed proper hook shape.
Of course if you have to hung hundred things, forming those clips may became boring very fast ;-)
DIY door organizer. Custom-made hooks for perfboard.  

Rest of building materials I've dug out from the blue garbage bin.
Colorful designer pouches for small stuff are made completely from recycled food packaging.

DIY door organizer. Pouch for small stuff.

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